At the centre of the braking system is the world leading ZipStop Speed Brake, manufactured in Colorado (USA) by Head Rush Technologies.
We often get asked the question by zipliners “How do I have to do to stop?”
The short answer is nothing! At Matagarup Zip+Climb, we use a combination of systems to ensure you arrive and stop right where you need to, over the landing platform.
The ZipStop is the only zip line brake on the market that uses magnetic braking. Magnetic braking relies on centrifugal force to create eddy currents that oppose the force of the magnets, providing resistance and slowing the rider.
Because magnetic braking is friction-free with no contacting parts, it offers unrivalled endurance to perform ride after ride. As you engage with the brake block, the vast majority of your speed will be wiped off within 15metres. For most people, you will come to a complete stop directly over the landing platform, where our staff will roll stairs underneath you, enabling you to step off for the obligatory high five!
Providing a backup to the ZipStop is a large bank of traditional springs which will eliminate any remaining speed from your ride. And just for good measure and peace of mind, we have another bank of springs after that!

As of November 2024, we have had over 60,000 customers experience the zipline, with another 15,000 zips undertaken by our staff. Our safety systems and regularly inspected by independent auditors and our staff are re-trained on a regular basis.
Our systems are rigorously checked every single day before we open to the general public.